Dry Eyes From Computer Screen?

Dry Eyes from Computer Screen?

…Get Fast Relief!

By Lisa Monroe

We just have to face it, screen time is part of our daily reality as we are living life in the digital age. But what does this mean for our poor, dry, over-taxed eyes? Articles in the news have reported possible vision damage from the blue light emitted by tablets, computers, smart-phones and other electronic devices, not to mention television.

Studies indicate, approximately 80% of Americans use digital devices for more than a 2 hour period each day. Many of those people actually use more than two devices at a time. This sheds light on how pervasive digital exposure is in our daily lives. We rely on it at work, school, and at home. So, is it any surprise that more than half of Americans experience digital eyestrain?

All those strained eyes have raised questions and health concerns about blue light damage, or damage to eye tissue. The short wavelength of blue light produces a high amount of energy. Currently, studies are being conducted to determine if this could in-fact cause long-term damage to the eyes.


What Research Tells Us

Research on animals revealed that heavy exposure to blue light could damage some sensitive cells in the retina. It can also cause eyestrain and focusing issues. But to date, no long-term harm or eye disease has been indicated. However, many health organizations and vision-related websites suggest a link between blue light exposure and damage to the retina. As a result, we have seen an interest in “blue blocker” technology that serves to filter out the blue light. However, the National Institute of Health found no evidence of the effectiveness of this technology, in spite of strong claims from manufacturers.


How Digital Eyestrain Causes Dry Eyes

I think most of us can agree that too much screen time can cause problems. We recognize the signs of irritation and discomfort that occurs with continuous usage. Digital eyestrain can lead to dry eyes causing a burden on eye muscles we rely on to focus. In addition, our eyes may not blink as often when looking at digital screens. This leads to faster evaporation of the tears that protect the surface of our eye. The result of that can be irritations like stinging and burning.

Steps We Can Take To Relieve Dry Eyes and Eyestrain  

Eye care specialists recommend these steps to help prevent digital eyestrain and enjoy comfortable vision, as you spend time looking at your screens.

  • Try to take frequent breaks while using devices. This includes time and distance. After 20 minutes of usage, divert your eyes for at least 20 seconds and focus on something at least 20 feet away.

  • Use artificial tears or moisturizing drops to relieve the symptoms of dryness. Consider using DryEyez™ eye spray for dry eyes, which was developed through a proprietary process and formulation, using natural ingredients, which utilizes nature’s own science. This gentle eye spray mist helps to quickly cleanse, moisten, and soothe dry and irritated eyes.

  • Minimize screen glare by reducing overhead lighting.

  • Position yourself so your eyes are an arm’s distance away from your screen.

  • Enlarge the text size on your device, so content can be read more easily and with less strain.  

The Takeway  

The best way to protect our eyes from screen related irritation would be to eliminate screen usage all together, right? Well, we all know that is unlikely to happen! Digital devices are likely to stay around for a very long time. In fact, they are getting smaller and even more compact. Furthermore, many of us are now working remotely, adding more screen-time hours to our day.  

So, as in any situation we do the best we can, given our circumstances. Moderation is key. Limiting our screen time, as much as possible and taking lots of breaks will surely help. In addition, finding a natural, effective product to cleanse, soothe, and moisten our eyes, will be an important step to take.  

DryEyez Dry Eye Spray Mist is safe and effective for symptoms related to dry, itchy and irritated eyes. It was specially formulated for eyes which are sensitive to drugs, preservatives and chemicals used in many eye care products, which can often cause adverse reactions. This gentle spray mist helps to quickly cleanse, moisten and sooth dry, irritated eyes, and may provide a more comfortable alternative to eye drops, for some people.  

The DryEyez bottle features a one-way-flow sprayer and is a sealed system, making it a contamination-free product. Now, you can enjoy a safe, clean, refreshing feeling every day. Your eyes will thank you!